Monday, 23 April 2012

It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you.

The other night, a storm was brewing not too far away from my place. My dad brought that to my attention (I'm usually oblivious to everything happening outside of my room lol), and being the closeted photography enthusiast he is, prompted me to get pictures of it. I was a step ahead of him and had my camera out already. I'm going to be honest and say that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. At that point, the trial-and-error process was my best friend.
At the end of it all, I arrived at the conclusion that getting lightning shots are a great pain in the ass. Especially when you have no idea what you're doing *points at self*

Firstly, I decided to go with a low shutter speed, but the results were severely disappointing:

But then I figured that the lightning flashes weren't appearing often enough, which is why I ended up with shots like those. In the span of 20-30 seconds, there would only be about 2 lightning flashes (and that's only if I was lucky), which rendered the long shutter useless.

In an attempt to curb the previous error, I upped the shutter speed and resorted to the tedious way of clicking on the shutter for whenever a lightning flash appeared. These were what I got at first:

These were definitely a vast improvement from the earlier tries, but still not quite there yet.

And what do you know? A few more frames later, I managed to capture the following shots:

Okay, to be honest, I was only satisfied with the last picture after post-process. The original capture did not look as appealing, and I was not satisfied. Lol.

But all is well.


  1. THIS IS AMAZING !!!!1!!!ONE!!!!1!!

    1. Thank you Lanee! :D :D :D Sorry for the late reply too, haven't really been checking this blog :/
