Friday, 16 December 2011

Around The Humble Abode

I have to admit this is a rather dull post. But at least I'm updating, riiiiiight? :3

Below are pictures taken around my house on two separate days (both of which were spurred by my soul-consuming boredom). You will notice that most pictures (six out of the total of nine) are depth of field shots. The reason for this is simply because, well, it's a simple method to make simple things look pretty :D But damn, I really need to get myself a prime, if not macro, lens.

Ah, my cobweb photo. Getting a good cobweb shot (like this one by Lanee) has still yet to be crossed off my to-do list. The only thing I like about mine is the accidental heart-shaped leaf, and that was of no doing of mine.
I can blame my 18-135mm or the lack of good sun-lighting. But alas, the saying goes that the bad carpenter blames his tools. So I shall not blame these factors, but instead, work myself to improve as a photographer! ☺

Or I could always decide that I could do without taking a cobweb shot.

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